
Getting Your Agency Involved in Responding to Gender-Based Discrimination on Campus

Published by: Dr. Valyncia C. Raphael, JD and Anton Tripolskii, JD

This interactive webinar builds on the topics discussed in the presenters’ January webinar: Honest Dialogue Needed: Responding to Gender-Based Discrimination on Campus. What are the responsibilities of campus officials in a time of appropriately significant public and media attention to gender-based violence? How can professionals in the criminal legal system and college officials work together to identify intimate partner and sexual violence at the earliest possible stages and partner in long-term prevention and intervention efforts? Through the study of a few recent and prominent cases of gender-based discrimination, advocates, law enforcement officers, prosecutors and other professionals in the community will learn more about the campus disciplinary system. We will focus on coordination among town and gown, finding solutions to complex cases, and bringing justice to people whom too often are not given a voice.

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